Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Snowstorm Saturday

This weekend, I was so busy dashing through the snow and laughing all the way that I almost forgot about the Internat! Devestating, I know. No time for much explanation but Saturday went a little like this:

10am: Core Fusion class (basically Bar Method) for free for Googlers this month. Highlight: Sore thighs.

11:30am: Amazing breakfast at Yas and Brian's. Highlight: fresh bacon.

1:30pm: Fit to Fly class (Cirque de Soliel inspired class with swings) at Equinox with Lauren. Highlight: flyyyyyying (duh) and listening to carnival music while 'working out'.

3:30pm: American Apparel stop to pick up the raindeer dresses. Fight between two crazy shoppers at the register. Highlight: we didn't get kicked/killed.

7:30pm: Dressed as Cupid and Vixen with homemade costumes made from cut up santa hats for wristlets and tails, ribbon collars with sewn on bells, and of course, antlers, we headed out for the evening. Highlight: photo shoot with christmas tree and presents by Lauren's doormen:

8:45: Arrive at Industria Argentia for dinner with Dary, Taco and Gee after 1 hour cab ride fishtailing down the west side highway. Highlight: Not warning the boys that we were dressed up for the party before arrival...they were, of course, delighted. (oh and the french fries were amazing too)

10:30pm: Leave Industria Argentina and trample to party in the BLIZZZZZZZARD (and high heels) Highlight: Lauren gets blown over sideways straight into a snowbank and Dary makes a perfect angel:

11-2: Team Fox party at sick loft. Highlight: dancing, winning the self-created costume contest, another photo shoot and of course, the guest of honor, Santa Claus:
2 am: With no cabs in site and a white out snowstorm, Lauren and I duck into the subway to find that apparently trains come approximately every hour at this hour of the morning. Highlights: singing christmas carols in a Q train car full of drunken revelors, being offered Tiramusu on the R train, and sleeping on Lauren's shoulder the 42nd street station while she ate pounds of gummy bears.

3:45am (yes that is 1 hour and 45 minutes after we descended into the subway): We emerge from the subway at Columbus Circle, still 13 blocks from Lauren's house and dash through the snow with icey hoof heels before begging a cab to carry two tired raindeer home.

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