Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Craft Addict

Thank god I live alone. The current state of my apartment is nothing short of scary....I guess it's only appropriate since I've been baking hundreds of wicked spooktacular treats:
Apologies for the blogging hiatus, I am long overdue and have oh so many things to post. I've been so crafted-out I've barely had time at the keyboard. I'm rather ashamed to admit that I have spend 95% of my non-work waking hours in the last 3 days, baking and decorating Halloween treats. Yes, I know it's a bit early, but I'll be gone for homecoming next weekend so I couldn't do it then. Lucky for you, I tested out a lot of recipes and there is plenty of time for you to learn from my mistakes/eat your face off before Halloween. I'll post some of my creations and recipes shortly...stay tuned.

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